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Reikken Power and Charging Supplies

Reikken Power and Charging Supplies

Regular price $209.00 USD
Regular price $229.00 USD Sale price $209.00 USD
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These Power supplies will ship from Indiana, only.


POWER SUPPLY Comparison 

Reikken RPS and Energie EPS series vs common brand 

The RPS and EPS series are the only Power Supplies + Chargers available that can be used with or without a battery in the circuit. They can intelligently charge, maintain, de-sulfate and condition a battery  as well as operate like a power supply when demand requires all automatically. 

These units have a status LED indicator to show when supply IS CHARGING. The common brands don’t  offer this and the one that even has an indicator is actually on whenever it is connected to batteries, not  necessarily when the unit is working. It is misleading and causes false analysis of whether or not the unit  is actually charging or just hooked to batteries. Dead and ruined batteries, fried electrical/audio equipment  and frustration are the result.  

The Reikken RPS 12100 and Energie EPS100 supply has... 

More power than the Iota/Cascade 100A supply. 

Has a standard 15A wall plug for use in any outlet. 

Is Actively Power Factor Corrected 

Lowers energy costs and consumption 

More efficient 

Less heat 

More power from a UL listed 15A outlet.  

 RPS/EPS = 1460 conservative watts (14.6v x 100A = 1460)  

 vs Iota = 1340 watts (13.4v x 100A = 1340) 

Lower failure rate. We have sold thousands of both brands and our current return percentage is 0.42%.  Our rate when we sold Iota was .98% 

More cost effective 

Expanded notes: 

The Reikken Smart Power Supply Charger Maintainer is ACTIVELY Power Factor corrected and can  meet UL requirements with a normal 15A plug since it is much more efficient than the Iota non PFC and  even regular (non active) PFC supplies. The Reikken RPS12100 and EPS100 can produce a FULL 100  amps CONTINUOUS (105A for extended periods) at the higher voltage (14.6v) while under load or in bulk  charge mode and still perform within the limitations of a normal wall outlet. 

Reikken was the FIRST to offer a true (at the 14.6v full output) 100A supply in the market easily reaching  105A+ in tests. 

The Iota supply (and some other brands) is required to have the 20 amp wall plug to be UL listed because  it is not PFC and it draws more power from the outlet due to it's decades old design. Many customers do  not have a 20 amp outlet and will resort to using an adapter which is NOT UL approved and is a liability  and fire hazard to all involved. The Iota unit can only provide 13.4 volts which means less power and less  headroom for amplifiers on display potentially causing the supply and amplifiers to run hotter. Regulated  audio amplifiers will pull more current at lower input voltages in order to make the output wattage. Current  equals lower efficiency and heat. Heat causes failures.

PFC is a REQUIREMENT for ALL power supplies shipped to Europe. The RPS series meet and exceed  these standards since they are ACTIVE PFC (97-99 rated) which is even more efficient than standard  PFC. Cascade/Iota is neither. 

"A standard power supply has a power factor of 0.70-0.75, and a power supply with PFC has a power  factor of 0.95-0.99. " 

Sell the RPS powered displays as "GREEN" and eco-friendly if you choose. There is NOT a more efficient  supply on the market. 

Saves customer Money by lowering billable electricity usage. In some areas in the US, customers are  charged more for billed usage at low PFC levels. Our supplies help raise the customer PFC rating  possibly saving them on the ENTIRE electric bill if they are currently in the higher rate due to a low overall  PFC rating. 

Produces more than full rated output for more headroom. Iota supply is actually their previous 90A unit  that can produce 100 only at a lower voltage which means you are still getting the same WATTAGE as  the 90 just at a different voltage so it can show 100A at the terminals. Lowering the voltage to get a higher  amperage does not equal more power. 

Wattage is power. Voltage x Amperage = Wattage 


Input V Input A output V output A Output Wattage 

120V 13.95A 13.4v x 100A = 1340 watts 

Notice the higher input current at the outlet of 13.95A and lower output power of 1340 watts. Reikken RPS12100: 

120V 12.67A 14.6v x 100A = 1460 watts continuous 24/7/365 

120V 13.22A 14.6v x 105A = 1522 watts several minutes at a time 

Notice the lower input current of 12.67A and higher output power of 1460 watts. 

The RPS series allows upgrade capability for the display at a later time when any customer wants to ADD  a battery to the display in order to add an amplifier that can do more than 800 watts. A 1000-2000 watt  amplifier is very common these days and are on many displays as a standard. We currently work with  100’s of customers who have well over 2000 watts on their display boards with NO problems. The Iota  units are not designed to be connected to battery for extended periods. The phone jack plug is not an  intelligent charging system and will either sulfate or overcharge any battery left connected for extended  periods. 

Our RPS return rate is lower than our Iota was. We sold the Iota units for years at our previous company. We are four generations of topology forward now. They are the same now as they were then. We had a  .98% failure rate then. We currently have a .42% return rate. 


We have many advantages over everyone else - efficiency, reliability, price, power, display upgrade-ability etc. 

We have a proven track record with many audio manufacturers and display builders who use these by the hundreds at a time in displays all over the world.

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